Author Archives: Sylvia Patterson

SEO – How Do Links Affect Your Website

Link Building Strategy

So, how do Links affect your website?  Anchor text is used to link an internal webpage to another one of your webpage’s, the use of anchor text when another website links to you can be extremely helpful in creating relevancy to certain keywords and phrases. If you have the option, always request keyword-rich anchor text for a link that uses your domain. That said, if you have no other option, still take a link with anchor text to your domain. All link juice is good.

One helpful practice in link building is link trading, or “I will put a link to your website on my website if you put a link to my mine on yours.” These types of links are referred to as reciprocal links. Since all links are good, reciprocal links are not prohibited, but their value is certainly not as good as a one-way link to your website. There was most likely a time when reciprocal links were just as good as any other, but the search engines are always getting smarter in determining how much value a link should receive.

Like most other aspects of SEO, throwing money at link building is a bad idea. Paying others to link to you is strictly prohibited by the search engines. In fact, all paid links must include a tag, called a no-follow tag, which tell the search engines not to give those links credit. If you are caught with un-tagged paid links (the linker or the linkee), your website could be suspended from the search engines or blacklisted for good.

Links to your website from advertisements are not counted as inbound links by the search engines. If they discover paid link relationships that are not classified as advertisements, you risk having your website suspended from being listed on the SERP, or even blacklisted if the instance is deemed severe enough.

If you don’t have the time to do link building, but do have some money, there are SEO firms that you can hire to perform this task. Some firms have questionable SEO practices at best, so it is best to do extensive research before signing any agreements or cutting a check.

Use Social Media for Link Building

Use of social networks like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn has exploded over the last few years. In fact, the latest figures from ComScore suggest that 16% of all time spent online is spent on a social network. With hundreds of millions of users across these social networks sharing content they find online with their friends and followers, search engines have begun to take notice.

According to SEOMoz, the amount of social activity that a webpage has on social networks (shares, recommendations, likes, links, +1’s, etc.) is an important factor in that page’s ability to rank on the SERP. Simply put, search engines have realized that content shared on social networks is extremely influential, and should therefore rank higher. Beyond using social networks to engage new prospects, drive leads, and build brand awareness, businesses should consider all of the SEO benefits they miss out on by not having a brand presence.

In order to capitalize on the boost to your SERP rankings from social media, you need to make your content easy to share. Implementing social network buttons across your website is the easiest way to accomplish this. Installing the buttons is easy if you use a service like AddThis. Better yet, HubSpot’s blogging software automatically adds this functionality for you.

Use Email to get Links

Almost any business these days uses email to nurture relationships with their current leads and customers, and utilizes promotional email blasts to attract new ones. It is no surprise that with the death of direct mail over the past few years, email marketing has exploded. It has never been easier to set up an email program, upload your leads, and send them communication. Obviously, the extreme rate at which businesses have adopted email has deteriorated its effectiveness industry-wide. There is so much noise out there that you need to make every email send count.

Just like you need to make the content on your website easy to share in social media, you need to do the same for email. Aside from having clear call-to-action in your emails to nurture your list, drive leads, and convert them to customers, you should also make it easy for your email readers to share the content with friends and post it to social networks. This will increase the reach of your website content and make it easier for you to get inbound links for SEO.

Understanding the CAN SPAM Act

The most important component of Email Marketing campaigns is to understand the Can Spam Act. If your message content is extremely relevant, your subject line is perfect, and your email campaign is dead on, your message can still fail if you aren’t complying with the CAN-SPAM Act! That’s why this article is all about looking at this important piece of compliance for all businesses sending email.

Crawling and Indexing using Backlinks

SEO Link Building

The first answer would be that they must be indexed, however through experiments and tests we know that links that are not indexed still pass-on a certain amount of link juice to your website.  This makes absolute sense because Google/Yahoo would not want to show all their inbound linking data and info about a specific website. That would be much easier to manipulate. There is much information available that show a “portion” of the link wheel that supports any domain and the best average of backlinks.  No one is exactly sure unless you work at Google.

We know that Google does not show all of your backlinks in webmaster tools and will constantly re-evaluate, de-index and shift weights around on all your inbound links.  This will happen because a backlink gains more popularity or goes stale and is dropped from the SERPs, all sorts of different changes that happen constantly to the search engines “environment” of data.  There are a lot of opinions on how indexing vs. crawling of backlinks may differ.

Indexed Backlinks:

  • In-bound links that are showing in Google webmaster tools, Yahoo Site Explorer and/or SEO software
  • Links that are showing in Google would be considered highest value
  • You know that your receiving maximum benefits from that backlink

Crawled Backlinks:

  • Inbound links that have been pinged and crawled by search engine spiders
  • Carry “some” weight, but no one is sure how much compared to indexed links
  • Usually these links do not have much “content” associated with the link, more content (when relevant) is going to help improve the association and worth of a backlink pointing toward your main site

SEO Tips for Getting your Backlinks Indexed:

  • Always Ping  – use, Feedshark, list pings)
  • Setup an RSS feed with all your backlinks in them so spiders can crawl the feed regularly
  • Build a 2nd tier of backlinks pointing at your 1st tier links (2nd tier can be much worse quality)
  • Bookmarking Demon/Xrumer/Scrapebox are excellent resources for building a variety of 2nd tier links to get your primary/high quality 1st tier backlinks indexed
  • If you are setting 2nd tier backlinks that point at your 1st tier, quality is not that important and don’t worry if your 1st tier properties get sandboxed, they will still pass on the link.

Please understand that having one backlink is better than none!  Just make sure to keep your backlinks in good neighborhoods, try to associate relevance and unique content with every link you make.  Whether it’s a small relation like a business directory or geographically, just stay away from spam websites that will affect your trust and rank negatively.

If you are having trouble getting your web2.0 properties indexed, definitely focus on building an RSS for those that can be dripped pings consistently, then you need to look at starting and creating your 2nd tier links.

I would really recommend a tool like Bookmarking Demon or Scrapebox, you can blast thousands and thousands of blog comments, bookmark submissions, Pligg sites, etc so that your main links are picked up and also this will distribute more links to your main site down the chain.

This has really become the standard in the SEO industry recently, especially after Google’s algorithm changes which have made it much more difficult to use poor quality/junk backlinks to rank for your keywords.  It’s better to build lower quantity, high quality link properties and then build a foundation of linking toward those.


Worldwide English Language Tug of War

This is a funny article based on different ways to spell words and write articles depending on what English language you speak.

However; it is important if you are addressing an  American audience in your articles and you live outside of the USA. Our spell checkers in the USA will flag miss-spelling verses of other countries “English” spelling of words.

So my point is to understand your market and try to address the content of your spelling, so when you are addressing the USA market, you come across as an American verses a person from another country.

Having worked all over the world, it is interesting, because, one needs to learn how different cultures interpret the English language.  For example, most Japanese can speak English, but you have to slow down your speech to converse with them. American’s can talk very fast compared to other countries.

For example, I grew up in the South where most people tend to speak slow and have a definite Southern dialect. When I moved to California after graduating from the University of Florida Electrical Engineering school, I was mocked by the people I worked with for my southern accent, when I came back to visit my friends, they told me to slow down because I spoke too fast!

I have a funny story; I was working with a French company as their VP of International Sales. We went to Japan, and my French Applications Engineer was giving a presentation on our product. The Japanese in the audience were looking very confused, so I stopped the presentation and proceeded to give it myself. When I did, the Japanese audience started to nod their heads in understanding!

Afterwards, my French associate said, I do not understand, He said, I gave the same presentation! And, I said there is a difference, because I spoke Japanese English! You Spoke French English!

So , here are some tips for writing articles posted to Ezine.

Ezine Tips 

English Dialects: American English, British English, South African English, Australian English, Cockney English, Southern American English… There are so many!

For every dialect, someone will vow their version is the “right” version:

“Americans can’t spell.”

“The British can’t tell advise from advice.”

We’ve heard it all! Before we get into the differences of American vs. British English, let’s get one thing straight: Just as many British English writers struggle with poor grammar and spelling as American English writers.

Whew! Glad that’s out of the way! Whether you use American or British English, we will accept either as long as you stay consistent in the dialect you use throughout the whole article.

Today’s guide will help you on your journey to discovering the subtle nuances of American English and British English as well as strengthening your article writing skills. Let’s get started!

American vs. British English Language Spelling Guidelines

1. Words ending in -or (American) vs. -our (British)

  • Neighbor vs. Neighbour
  • Favor vs. Favour

2. Words ending in -er (American) vs. -re (British)

  • Center vs. Centre
  • Meter vs. Metre

3. Verbs ending in -ize (American) vs. -ise (British)

  • Organize vs. Organise
  • Realize vs. Realise

4. Verbs ending in -yze (American) vs. -yse (British)

  • Analyze vs. Analyse
  • Paralyze vs. Paralyse

5. Nouns ending in -ense (American) vs. – ence (British)

  • License vs. Licence
  • Defense vs. Defence

Please note the above guidelines are not comprehensive and there are many exceptions. If you are unsure, keep a dictionary on hand or perform a quick Internet search to ensure you are using the correct spelling for either dialect.

Here are a few more spelling examples of American vs. British English to watch out for:

  • Canceled (American) vs. Cancelled (British)
  • Enroll (American) vs. Enrol (British)
  • Gray (American) vs. Grey (British)
  • Check (American) vs. Cheque (British)
  • Maneuver (American) vs. Manoeuvre (British)

What Did They Do to My Definite Article?!

Our final guideline today on American vs. British English language often aggravates American English writers:

“Why do British English writers insist on dropping the definite article (e.g. a, an, the, etc.) in phrases with institutional nouns (e.g. university, hospital, prison, etc.)?”

For British English writers, it’s based on the intention of the phrase. For example:

John is at university.

John is at the university.

“John is at university” is the British English equivalent to the American English “John is a university student.” When we add the definite article (“John is at the university”), the meaning changes: John is no longer necessarily a college student; he is merely located on the university’s property.

We’ve covered a lot of ground today! Remember: Be consistent and when all else fails, look up the spelling based on the dialect to ensure you don’t confuse your audience. Stop the tug of war over the English language and strengthen your article writing skills by keeping these guidelines in mind for your next set of quality, original articles.

Ad Testing and Optimization

Are your ads the best they can be?

When using Microsoft/Yahoo Ad testing (a/b testing) lets you experiment with multiple ads at the same time to find out which ones work best. When combined with our Ad Optimization feature, better-performing ads will display more often.

How Do You Benefit?

Improve ad group performance because better performing ads, based on click-through rate, will serve more often (if Ad Optimization is turned on, which the default is setting).

Save time by automatically displaying the best performing ads.

Save money because ads with higher click-through rates may score higher in the quality index, and this may lead to higher placement at a lower cost.

Find out which messages, promotions, and geographical locations test better, and apply this learning to other marketing tactics.

Test different versions of your landing page URLs.

How to Create New Ads?
To create a new ad:

Go to your intended ad group page or create a new ad group.

Click on the +Create New Ad button.

Enter a title, description, destination URL and display URL.

Review and approve ad.

Tips for Using Ad Testing

Develop a strategy. Have a goal in mind. For example, test an offer of 20 percent savings against an offer of $40 off any purchase over $200 to see which positioning your customers find more appealing.

Plan out your ad testing schedule. This helps organize your ad testing objectives and gives your ads enough time to display so that results are statistically significant.

Ad testing demo

Create ads with unique messages. Don’t test messages that are too similar – say, an ad that offers “great prices” against one that promises “low prices.”

Choose keywords for each ad group carefully. Grouping similar and relevant keywords will make it easier to create ads, and may improve your ad’s quality and placement.

Search Engine On Page Optimization

In order for your Web Site function properly, it is necessary to maximum it’s organic ranking and there are several steps that could be taken. First you should research keywords that you are going to use.  Once you’ve selected the keywords that for your page optimization, you need to focus attention to on-page optimization. On-page optimization greatly improves your organic rankings for your website.

Note: Organic describes a search that returns results by indexing pages based on content and keyword relevancy. Google has led the way in championing the virtues of natural or organic search. Its primary focus has always been to return fast, highly relevant results based on the content of the page, the relevancy of links pointing to that page, and other “objective” criteria. Through a process of trial and error, one can discover what factors have the most impact on your organic ranking.

There are a number of factors to consider when optimizing your web pages. Some of these factors include Meta tags, URL structure, and speed at which your page loads.

Meta tag definition – A piece of text in the source code of a web page in order to provide information to a search engine about the contents of the page

Meta tags need to be formatted correctly to enhance search engine rankings. I learned that Meta tags alone will not dramatically improve rankings. Please note that Meta tags may be used to verify other aspects of your website and is important step to getting users to click through from search engine results.

Meta tags need to be in the proper format. Make sure you are formatting your Meta tag to include a title tag. Title tags contain the keywords that you are trying to optimize. Google search results limit Meta tags to sixty characters.. The second Meta tag is the description tag should be less than one hundred and fifty characters and your keyword phrase cannot be repeated more than twice.

The last Meta tag is the keyword tag. When optimizing your keyword tag, it is suggested that you use only a dozen of your highly trafficked keywords. Search engines will then know that you are an authority site and worthy of top rankings.

The time in which your page loads is an important factor to search engines. Not only does your web page need to be formatted correctly but it needs to load quickly. Web sites that load quickly point to the user having more experience. By keeping search times to a minimum, Search engines reward you for providing the correct information more quickly.

Another important factor for optimization is the URL structure.  It is well known that having your keyword in the URL helps with optimization.  There are also other factors used by search engines and many sites include their keyword in the URL but get outranked by other web sites. There are other factors that help with your optimization of the URL. Purchasing a URL that has your keyword for instance.  If the URL is not available, consider adding a folder or page to your site that includes the keyword you want to optimize your site for.

For example: In this way you are placing the keyword close to the root thereby providing more value.

When you begin the optimization process for your web page, evaluate one of the following: your web site, landing page, load speed, and URLs. There are other factors, but the ones we discussed are critical to the success of your search engine optimization process.

SEO Be Aware of False Claims

Search Engine Optimization is often cited by marketers as one of the most effective tactics for generating leads or sales from your website. But while most marketers understand the importance of SEO, many see the process as a highly technical, an almost mysterious discipline that’s best left in the hands of experts.

It’s no surprise, then, that many time-strapped small and medium-sized business marketers look to outsource their SEO to trained professionals. A simple Google search for SEO firms will turn up thousands of vendors, offering extraordinary quick results for attractively low monthly fees or even a simple one-time purchase.

Be careful, though: Many of these “professionals” and SEO experts are counting on clients’ SEO ignorance to get quick cash without delivering long-term, sustainable SEO improvements. Even worse, some of the practices used by SEO firms can actually hurt your business in the long run.

How can you tell if you’re being sold SEO false promises? Here is the first signal your SEO firm might not be worth the money you’re paying them. Take a look at these dubious practices and evaluate your current vendor’s approach. Or, keep this list in-hand as you search for a new vendor to take on your SEO project.

Some things to watch out for!

Outsourcing your business’s SEO is a leap of faith – you’re spending valuable marketing dollars on a project and need to show the return on that investment. That’s why many marketers are tempted by firms that guarantee top rankings or specific traffic increases, or claim they’ll improve your position in as little as 30 days.

But beware of firms that make these kinds of promises. The fact is, reputable SEO firms don’t offer guaranteed #1 rankings, fast results, or any other promises that sound too good to be true.

Here are some of the false promises that are typically used by devious SEO firms:

  • Google has issued explicit warnings against making such promises in its search marketing guidelines, saying, “No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google.”
  • Search rankings are notoriously unstable, and subject to a variety of factors such as the location of the person searching and whether they’ve logged in to Google and are using personalized results.
  • Rankings alone are a bad metric for overall performance. It’s more important that the search results drive relevant visitors that take a desired action – such as signing up for an email newsletter or making a purchase – once they land on your page.
  • Claims about rapid improvements in search engine rankings are similarly dubious. SEO is not a quick-fix marketing tactic to deliver results in a matter of hours or days. Instead, it typically takes a diligent, ongoing process that gradually improves your site’s rankings.

A good SEO project can take two to three months to begin showing a real impact, depending on a number of factors such as the age of your site, the number of quality inbound links you already have, and the competitiveness of keywords.

Anyone promising you big-time results in just a month is offering false promises or worse: They could be using unethical SEO tactics that might deliver a quick bump at the expense of long-term search engine performance.

Black Hat SEO – The Definition of Cloaking

What is the Definition of Cloaking?


A system to hide code or content from a user and deliver different content to a search engine spider.

IPbased cloaking delivers custom pages based on the users IP address.

User Agent cloaking delivers custom pages based upon the users Agent.

Depending on the intent of the display discrepancy and the strength of the brand of the person or company, cloaking it may be considered reasonable, or it may get a site banned from not one, but all search engines.

Cloaking has many legitimate uses which are within search guidelines. For example, changing user experience based on location is common on many popular websites.

This technique is abused by spammers for keyword stuffing. Cloaking is a violation of the Terms of Service of most search engines and could be grounds for banning.

If search engine traffic is important to you, make sure you consider the following with respect to cloaking:

  • Make sure you are familiar with the obvious and not so obvious forms of cloaking and are aware how these are used on your site to avoid any potential penalties.

If anyone remembers 2 years ago, Google came in and banned the accounts of many top Internet Marketers for using these types of strategies. Most notably was black hat SEO and “Get Rich Quick” Schemes. This resulted in complete chaos for almost everyone who was performing MLM marketing.

This type of Internet Marketing should be avoided at all costs!


6 Critical Steps to Manage your Twitter Account

When you are first starting out in Twitter it important to manage your account and have a clear goal of who you are following, how you add followers, and when you add both of them. One of the goals is to manage the Following to Followers ratio; otherwise you may end up with the “follow” error message.

“You are unable to follow more people at this time” Learn More Here

In Twitter, the following 6 guidelines provide the best means to manage your account;

1. Try to keep your Following to Followers ratio to 10%

2. The reason is when you hit 2001 following; Twitter does not let you proceed until you have 1800 followers.

3. After 2001 following, you still need to maintain the 10% ratio

4. If you do reach a limit, Twitter will let you know with an error message telling you which limit you have hit.

5. For limits that are time-based (like the Direct Messages, Update, and API Requests Limits), you will be able to try again after the time has elapsed.

6. The Update Limit of 1,000 updates per day is further broken down into semi-hourly intervals. If you hit your account update limit, just wait a few hours after the limit-period has elapsed and try again.

What is Churning?

Churning is considered very aggressive and is defined as a follow churn when an account repeatedly follows and un-follows large numbers of users. This may be done to get lots of people to notice them, to circumvent a Twitter limit, or to change their follower-to-following ratio. These behaviors negatively impact the Twitter experience for other users, are common spam tactics, and will lead to account suspension.

The Actual Twitter Rules

1. Direct Messages: 250 per day.

2. API Requests: 150 per hour.

3. Updates: 1,000 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. Retweets are counted as updates.

4. Following (daily): Please note that this is a technical account limit only, and there are additional rules prohibiting aggressive following behavior. You can find detailed page describing following limits and prohibited behavior on the Follow Limits and Best Practices Page. The technical follow limit is 1,000 per day.

5. Following (account-based): Once an account is following 2,000 other users, additional follow attempts are limited by account-specific ratios.

Twitter Automation – What is legal and what is not?

The only auto-following behavior that Twitter allows is auto-follow-back (following a user after they have followed you). Automated un-following is also not permitted. If you find yourself frequently needing to un-follow large numbers of users, you might consider reviewing your criteria for following them.

You may encounter websites or applications claiming they can help you get lots of followers quickly. These programs may ask for payment for followers, or ask you to follow a list of other users in order to participate. The Twitter Rules addresses the use of these programs by disallowing them.

Using or promoting third-party sites that claim to get you more followers (such as follower trains, sites promising ‘more followers fast,’ or any other site that offers to automatically add followers to your account). If you give out your username and password to another site or application, you are basically giving control of your account to someone else. If they then post duplicated, spam, or malicious updates and links, send unwanted direct messages, aggressively follow, or violate other Twitter rules with your account.

These applications do add followers to your account which are often “abandoned” or “bot” accounts that are not reading your updates. If a third-party application causes your account to violate the Twitter Rules, your account may be suspended.


In summary Twitter has an internal list of rules which must be observed to properly manage and grow your Twitter account.

Author: William B. Weeks Jr.

How to Start a Travel Business

With diverse options like corporate travel, niche travel and franchising, there are a number of ways you can put your love of travel to work.

Downturns in the economy can’t stop it. Weather conditions can’t shut it down-at least, not for long. Even the catastrophic events of 9/11 couldn’t derail it. It, of course, is the travel industry, and while the economy and unforeseen incidents that tragic day in September have tended to slow down the pace of travel, the industry continues to enjoy robust activity despite challenges that are enough to send other industries into tailspins. No doubt that’s because people will always want or need to go places, whether it’s to a business meeting or conference, to spend the holidays with Grandma in another state, or just to enjoy some much deserved R&R.

This overall need to travel that’s shared by average citizens and corporate denizens alike means that this is an excellent time to launch a travel services business. The travel industry is huge. Research by the Travel Industry Association of America (TIA) indicates that the travel and tourism industry generates $1.3 trillion in economic activity in the U.S. every year. That’s equivalent to $3.4 billion a day, $148 million an hour, $2.4 million a minute and $40,000 a second. No wonder the opportunities for aspiring travel services business owners abound.

Today’s travel services experts offer a wide array of valuable and time-saving services to individuals, groups and corporate clients. Besides acting as ticketing agents for the airlines, cruise lines, railroads and other modes of transportation, they also engineer complex itineraries. They suggest exotic destinations that might appeal to adventurous customers, then dole out advice on how to get passports and visas. They offer timely information about important travel advisories. They help coordinate all the details necessary to stage a special event, like conventions or weddings in tropical locations. And they know exactly who to contact to arrange a lei greeting at an airport or to have the body of a client’s loved one shipped home.

Different Paths
Here’s a brief look at the five different types of travel service businesses covered in this article, and in Travel Services start-up guide:

1. Homebased: If you want to keep your overhead low and your profits high, this could be the type of business for you. Thanks to the internet, home based agents have at their command all the same tools that used to be available only at a traditional brick-and-mortar travel agency. The internet also has delivered another important advantage to home based travel services: Such businesses are no longer expected to be brick-and-mortar. After years of buying books online, bidding and selling in online auctions, and paying bills online, customers today are very comfortable buying all kinds of services via the internet-and in fact, they look rather askance at companies that do not have an internet presence since they want to surf for information day and night.

It’s also important to note that it’s possible to run any of these six types of businesses from the comfort of your home, although specialty/niche businesses, corporate businesses and franchise business are the most likely to be based in a brick-and-mortar facility.

2. Independent contractor: If you like working in a traditional travel agency but love the freedom of being your own boss even better, then working as an independent contractor in the travel industry could be the right move for you. Independent contractors make their own hours (with the needs of the travel agency in mind, of course), build their own client list, and are solely responsible for paying their own way at tax time. At the same time, they benefit from having a physical office where they can meet with clients, pick up walk-in business, and drop the name of an established agency when they make cold calls or follow up on leads. That gives you the type of credibility that can be very valuable when you’re just starting out on your own.

But you don’t have to be present physically in someone’s office to be an independent contractor. Some travel agents, like Bill Jilla, an independent contractor in Florida, handles travel arrangements and other services for an established company right from the comfort of his home office, although he also has worked as an independent contractor in a brick-and-mortar travel agency.

3. Specialty/niche business: Since leisure travel makes up 80 percent of total sales in the travel industry (according to Plunkett Research), there are plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to offer specialty travel services. You can get into the field in more than one way. First, you can offer tours and packages tailored to the interests and needs of particular groups. Second, you can choose to offer very specialized niche services that will appeal to a very narrow demographic.. For example, on entrepreneur we’ve met offers charter airline services to top-level business travelers and another arranges stays in luxury villas in both the United States and abroad.

4. Corporate travel: Actually a type of niche travel service, corporate travel has been singled out in this book because of the various opportunities it offers. But beware, it can be difficult to break into this particular field. A lot of companies already have their own in-house staff or have been dealing with the same travel agency for eons. However, new companies of all kinds with no previous travel agency ties spring up all the time and may be open to the idea of having their own travel service, while others may be looking for a new company because they aren’t entirely happy with the job their existing travel agency is doing. Conversely, you might be able to land a spot as an independent contractor or homebased agent on a travel agency team that already has an established clientele. Either way, there is money to be made for the right entrepreneur.

5. Franchise: If you like the idea of launching a “plug and play” business that is ready to go right out of the box, then a travel services franchise could be your ticket to success. With a franchise, you purchase the rights to use a tried and true concept, as well as the name recognition and business procedures that come along with it. However, you do have to conform to the franchisor’s established methods of doing business. In addition, the best franchisee is a person who has been successful in a previous career, because, of course, franchises don’t run themselves and a basic knowledge of established business practices is necessary.

6. Internet Marketing: There are some great Internet based travel marketing systems that teach you to how to start a travel business online. However, one needs to have both a great compensation matrix and the capability to have your own travel portal that pays commissions on all travel booked through your site.
